Use these cool car-friendly tips to beat the heat

Use these cool car-friendly tips to beat the heat

We need to get ready for the impending heatwave in India as summer draws near. During the height of summer, severe heat waves frequently strike places like the northwest and central regions. The trapped heat in your car during this hot weather makes it very difficult to sit in. To guarantee a comfortable driving experience, keeping your car cool becomes essential. You can successfully combat the heat and keep your car at a comfortable temperature with a few easy tips and tricks. This is a thorough guide about how to keep your car cool in the summer heat.

Use window visors and sunblock

Use window visors or sun shades as your first line of defense to keep your car cool during the summer. Window visors and sun shades are readily available at auto accessory stores. Whenever you park in the sun, even for a short while, make sure to place them there to avoid the greenhouse effect and keep the cabin cooler.

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Park Your Vehicle in the Shade

You can get instant relief from direct sunlight exposure by parking your car under a shaded area, like a tree or a covered parking space. Reduce the amount of time the sun’s rays come into contact with the surface of your car to avoid overheating plastic and metal parts, which will keep the interior cooler.

Put the dashboard cover on

If parking in the shade is not an option, a thick towel placed over the dashboard can help lessen heat absorption. When exposed to sunlight, the ABS and plastic components of the dashboard tend to heat up quickly, which raises the temperature inside the cabin. An insulator such as a towel on the dashboard helps to keep the cabin cooler by reducing heat transfer.

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Maintain Windows Partially Open

To encourage airflow within the cabin, it is recommended to keep the windows slightly open. But it’s crucial to make sure that the gaps between the windows allow enough air to flow through while being small enough to keep anything out. Enough space—just the width of a finger—is sufficient to encourage airflow and expel heated air.

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Maintenance on Air Conditioners

For your car’s air conditioner to function at its best during the summer, regular maintenance is essential. Refilling the refrigerant gas and performing a comprehensive servicing ensures that your air conditioner runs effectively, keeping the cabin cool and comfortable during the hot weather.

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